Our latest press material is available at brucknerhaus.at/pressedownload
You can find the password in our press releases or press kit, or we will be happy to send it to you.
For press tickets, inclusion in the press mailing list and other enquiries, please contact presse@liva.linz.at or contact us directly:
Dr. Brigitte Zierhut-Bösch Leitung Marketing, Presse & Sales | +43 732 7612 2120 +43 664 8830 2985 brigitte.zierhut-boesch@liva.linz.at |
We would be pleased to invite you to the Brucknerhaus Linz and provide you with press tickets subject to availability. Please send your ticket requests to presse@liva.linz.at.
Please note that press tickets can only be issued in connection with a news report and by prior arrangement.