This event was cancelled
"A woman does not have to want to compose".
Life paths of female composers between self-confidence and self-doubt
"I once believed that I had the talent to create, but I came back from this idea, a woman does not have to want to compose - none could do it yet, should I be destined for it?" With these words, which she confided to her diary in the fall of 1839, Clara Schumann validly summed up the ambivalent fate of female composers in the 19th century between self-confidence and self-doubt. Not only were women mostly denied the opportunity to freely develop their art by male colleagues, but they often lacked confidence in their artistic abilities, as their self-image was strongly influenced by patriarchal social norms. The exhibition in the foyer in front of the Middle Hall invites visitors to learn about the fascinating lives of some of those female composers who nevertheless succeeded in realizing their artistic visions - at least in part.
Following the opening, the up-and-coming pianist Mitra Kotte, who celebrated her Brucknerhaus debut in November 2022 with an acclaimed Satie evening alongside Erwin Steinhauer, will present a hand-picked selection of piano works by the women composers represented in the exhibition in the Middle Hall.
Vernissage: 6:30 p.m.
Concert: 7:30 p.m.
Karin Wagner | Moderation