Disciple and master – Hugo Wolf and Anton Bruckner
Although Hugo Wolf studied at the Conservatory of the Society of Friends of Music in Vienna from 1875 to 1877, he did not attend Bruckner's harmony and counterpoint classes. If he was therefore not a Bruckner pupil in the strict sense, he nevertheless – after initial reservations about the „works of an unsuccessful genius“ - developed into one of the most vociferous supporters of the great symphonist, not least as a music critic in the pages of the fortnightly newspaper the Wiener Salonblatt. He praised Bruckner as „an exceptional man, who (after Liszt of course) had the greatest claim amongst living composers to be performed and admired.“ Martin Haselböck and the Orchester Wiener Akademie (Orchestra of the Vienna Academy) contrast instrumental excerpts from Wolf's only opera Der Corregidor and a selection of orchestral songs sung by no less an artist than star baritone Thomas Hampson, with Brückner's 3rd Symphony in D minor. The bizarre genesis of the third version of the work from 1889, the final form of which was substantially influenced not only by the Bruckner pupils Franz and Josef Schalk, but also by Gustav Mahler, is a remarkable example of reciprocal artistic interplay in a relationship between teacher and student.
Hugo Wolf (1860–1903)
Prelude to the opera Der Corregidor (1895, rev. 1897)
Orchestral Songs to poems by Eduard Mörike (1889–91)
In der Frühe (1890)
Schlafendes Jesuskind (1889)
Gebet (1890)
Auf ein altes Bild (1889)
Denk’ es, o Seele! (1891)
Interlude from the second act of the opera Der Corregidor (1895, rev. 1897)
Orchestral Songs to poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1890, 1893)
Harfenspieler I (1890)
Harfenspieler II (1890)
Harfenspieler III (1890)
Anakreons Grab (1893)
– Break –
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony Nr. 3 in D minor, WAB 103 (1872–73, rev. 1874, 1876–78, 1887–89) „1889 Version“
Thomas Hampson | Baritone
Orchester Wiener Akademie
Martin Haselböck | Conductor